Friday 27 July 2012

Introduction - who I am and why I have decided to blog

Okay, so I think that most people that will read this will already be friends and know me in some capactity. Some of you may come across it whilst you search for something like "moving to and living in Norway", some of you may find it as you search for shoes.... ahhhh shoes... (goes off into daydream about owning as many pairs of Louboutins as I do everything else...) but anyways, I digress.

Originally from Derby, England, I am a 30-something geologist now working out of a mid size operator based in Oslo, Norway, but working on international assets. I LOVE my job. I also loved my job when I worked for a consultancy in North Wales and I feel very fortunate to be in this position. I spent FAR too many years at University, which means I've also lived in: Liverpool, Manchester, London, Bergen and a tent in Utah (8 weeks counts as living there right?!?). I am travelled, but mainly in Europe and the furthest east I have got is Pakistan (with work), the furthest south Yemen (work again), the furthest north Nord Capp in Norway and the furthest west San Diego/Calgary, I am working on the increasing the east and the south.

Other things you need to know, I love my family and friends, despite the distances, some of which are huge, it is very important to me that I keep in touch with them. My boyfriend lives in the UK and he of course is also very important to me. I am also very passionate about the Scouting movement and still involved in the UK and as soon as my Norwegian is at a level I can deal with kids, I hope to get involved here. I love music especially live music, I am on the verge of becoming a bit of gym junkie, I am obsessed with my diet but am quite capable of sabotaging it all by myself.

So that's me, well some of the things that make me, me. This is supposed to be a short introductory post so I will leave you with why I have decided to blog and here are my reasons: I have been partially inspired to write this by my best friend, he has been part of my life since I was 17 and has always written but now writes publically. Secondly, partially by the fact I now have only "useful procrastination" on the internet (be gone CastleVille, Bubble Safari and your minions), and lastly, partially because I've been meaning to share my thoughts and feelings since I moved to Oslo, Norway at the end of January 2011. As you can possibly tell I'm very good at procrastinating hence why its taken me so long! :-D

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