Monday 20 May 2013

Travelling - What I have learnt, and what bugs me the most

I travel a lot, some things about other travellers and the whole thing of travelling bug me, a lot. So this if you will, is not just observations, it is a bit of a rant, you have been warned!

I consider myself quite lucky as I get to travel quite a bit with my job. Especially as I am just a general, run-of-the-mill technical member of staff, being neither a manager nor a chief scientist. Since changing companies in 2011 I have been to Tunisia, southern Italy, Calgary, Dubai, Morocco, Abu Dhabi and London and in some cases I´ve been to these destinations more than once. In my previous job I was also fortunate to travel with work, with destinations including; Rome, Italy; Kiev, Ukraine; Islamabad, Pakistan; Sana’a, Yemen and both Stavanger and Oslo in Norway. 

I also travel back-and-forth between the UK to spend time with my boyfriend, family and friends. The difference being that when I travel with work I tend to fly economy extra/business class and when I travel home its economy/Ryanair, who as far as I´m concerned have a travel class all to themselves!

I think exposing yourself to different cultures and countries makes you a better, more rounded person. To experience this with work, and work with these cultures also makes you a more informed individual person. However the amount of travel I do makes me somewhat intolerant to other less travelled individuals.

The first time I went to Yemen was with a manager of mine who was very well travelled and he would frequently mutter “too stupid to travel” aimed at various people as he was going round airports/on the plane/anywhere he deemed it appropriate. I thought he was just being cynical, but now I am prone to agree, that some people should not be allowed to travel, or if they do should come with warning signs. So here are my biggest pet hates:

1) Issues at security controls… If you travel a lot and you´ve seen the film Up in the Air with George Clooney when you´re in a rush you will recognise yourself in this quote:
“Never get behind old people. Their bodies are littered with hidden metal and they never seem to appreciate how little time they have left. Bingo, Asians. They pack light, travel efficiently, and they have a thing for slip on shoes. Gotta love 'em”.  
Yes, the lack of consistency between countries, airports and even terminals is incredibly frustrating sometimes, Heathrow airport I am looking at you, but there are ways to make this as painless as possible. I know the drill, if I am in a queue at security I have my belt in my hand, my watch in my bag, my jacket over my arm before I even get to the front of it, if I´m in heels they´re off as well and read to go in a container. My liquids bag contains nothing more than 100ml, and if I´m hand luggage only it’s in the front of my case, the only thing that I have to deal with is getting my laptop out. Come on now people, you should know by now, the liquids restriction has been in place since 2001, that’s over 10 years. I still can´t believe people try and get through full bottles of shampoo, water etc. Surely they know by now?

1B) Related to this is the complete lack of consistency, between countries, airports, terminals, days of the week and indeed staff members and the mood you catch them in!
Case in point, Heathrow airport. I had happily gone through that airport half a dozen times with a zip closed clear plastic bag containing my liquids less than 100ml whilst on my way back to Oslo. No questions asked, no complaints. The first time I had to transfer flights at Heathrow, I had issues. Apparently a zip leaks vapours and vapours are dangerous. So what happens when you open it? I don´t mean to be antagonistic, but COME ON!!!

2) People who just stop…. They´re walking along quite happily and then they just stop right in front of you. Why? Who knows? And why is it always in the worst place possible?
Sometimes it may be to do up their coat or pull up the handle of their bag, I understand that this is a necessary thing to do, but can´t you wait 30 seconds, or step to the side so you don´t cause an unnecessary human collision? Please

*This pet hate isn´t limited to travel and points of departure, this also applies to tourists in towns with maps, gossiping women in Westfield stood at the bottom of escalators and anyone else that decides that the most inconvenient place, is the best place to stop for a moment.

3) People that take a good few minutes when taking their place on a plane and thus holding everyone else up…
Find your seat, grab what you need for your journey and get your bag up into the overhead lockers. Step into the row, or the row behind and allow people to pass. Then take your coat off, and put it up. Don’t stand there for what seems like forever faffing with everything!

Linked to this is 3B)
The inability to pack overhead lockers, or trying to fit ALL your hand luggage into it so no one else can fit any.
I think this is a lack of consideration more than anything. Yes its great if you can fit your handbag, small case, duty free and coat in there, but what about the next person and the one after? The only seats that require you to ensure all your hand luggage is out the way are the emergency aisle and row 1. I do often have a handbag and a case but my handbag is always under the seat in front and my coat is on top of my case in the locker.

4) People who insist on watching their PC/tablet/phone on loud rather than through headphones, like a normal considerate person!
When sat whilst waiting for a plane, I don´t want to listen to your Bollywood movie, your cheesy pop, your Angry Birds game, or anything else that I don´t have to, thank you very much, so buy some headphones and think of others! 

5) People who travel abroad who should stay at home.
The British are often very guilty of this. Take Spain for example, two of the things that make Spanish culture great are the fantastic original tapas and the amazing red wines. So why is there a lack of great tapas bars serving great red wine in the tourist hubs and a significant amount of British pubs serving rubbish British lager, English Breakfasts and Sunday Roasts? Why go to Greece where the fresh seafood and lamb is amazing and eat burger and chips everyday? Or North Africa which has fantastic tagines which are spiced, but not overly so, then complain the food isn´t to your taste. If you want British food, British pub culture and are not willing to try the local cuisine here is my advice… STAY AT HOME.

The same comes to respecting another countries culture and rules. Don´t walk around a mall in Dubai in your bikini and not expect to be reprimanded (actually, please don´t do that, ANYWHERE!). Don´t expect to not be asked to cover your hair in temples and mosques. Be respectful. If you´re not willing to do that, then, again, STAY AT HOME!

You should come back from your holiday feeling refreshed and revived. That you have experienced something that has made you a better, more informed person.

So they´re my top 5 pet hates when travelling, and I´m not counting personal hygiene issues of other travellers there, that’s a pet hate ALL the time! These pet hates are mostly ones that make me realise how inconsiderate human beings sometimes are, how selfish we can be, and when you travel with over 150 people in a flying sardine can, you cannot be inconsiderate. When you have your own private jet, well then you can do whatever it is you want, and if you find yourself guilty of any of these, well, I just hope you don´t travel at the same time as me! :)

Links: lx1rs7qlto1_400.jpg

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